Friday, July 31, 2015

understanding Planned Parenthood - thanks, Glenn

An article on Glenn Beck's website is a peek into the passion of the man behind the Planned Parenthood videos - and a special appreciation of the the strategy aimed at FINALLY bringing down the organization, a goal that has been galvanizing anti-abortion foes from Day One.

As the man behind the videos, David Daleiden, explains,  “There’s no accountability. So that’s why it’s very good that just today, now the grand total of states that have opened up investigations into Planned Parenthood’s baby part sales within their jurisdictions, that number is now up to ten.”

Even if Congress doesn't succeed in defunding the organization, it will be facing countless investigations by federal & state legislatures.  If they can't defund 'em, they'll bankrupt 'em.

Image result for death by a thousand cuts quote

Personally, I was most interested in the comment by David Daleiden that, "
“We don’t have a good way of knowing because Planned Parenthood’s baby part sales are buried so deep down within their organization that some of the national leadership of Planned Parenthood doesn’t even fully know the scope of it. The national office has for many years now chosen to have a ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy about the fetal tissue sales of the affiliates in order to … keep themselves insulated it from it legally, even though they’re still aware of it.”

Perhaps he's right, perhaps he's wrong - but I am, personally, all to familiar with the mind-set that says "we don't know, but we know we're right."  It's IMPOSSIBLE to defend yourself against that sort of thinking.  The more they don't find anything, the more that's taken as proof that something exists, but it's buried so deep" that it can't be found.  Sadly, that argument, as faulty as it is, is also shockingly persuasive with receptive minds.  And as the Planned Parenthood videos - and Glenn's article - show, some very canny forces are preparing minds to be VERY receptive.

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