Thursday, July 30, 2015

afterthought 07/30/15

It's always a surprise to me when a counseling session goes on long after saying good bye to the therapist.  This afternoon, John & I had a session with Kim Vargas, someone I think the entire world should see on a regular basis - to get & stay grounded, even when there are big issue matters to consider.  So glad we started seeing her when that's where we were - our relationship needing a little fine tuning, essential but not critical.  

Right now, I am at a critical place, all within a couple months - since March.  So many things happening, most of them requiring a different response than I would have, could have given less than a year ago.  And ancient issues are appearing that I never expected a year ago.  It helps that when I'm in the midst of their moment, that I can reach back to our hour with Kim & remember something she said, a comment John made, an insight triggered within me that seemingly had nothing to do with what was being discussed & had everything.  Can reach back & respond differently than I would have, could have a year ago.  With more balance, more self-compassion, more awareness than.

One of my great crusades is for more of anyone who wants a more grounded life - whatever that means for them - to have regular sessions with a gifted listener/responder like Kim.  It's not just the insights you get when you're with her, but the afterthoughts that come up long after.

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