Monday, July 27, 2015

Two Constitutional scholars walk into a bar...

 Image result for ted cruz mike lee

Ted Cruz & Mike Lee - about as nimble a tag team as you're goint to find & as savvy as they get when it comes to the rules of the Senate.  Per today's Salon article:
Sen. Lee is expected on Monday afternoon to play some Obamacare-repeal procedural hardball in an effort to put his colleagues on the spot.  Here's the big plan, in Lee's own words:
“Republicans now have an opportunity to make good on our promise to repeal Obamacare,” Lee said. “The first Obamacare vote on Sunday will have a 60 vote threshold, and Democrats will likely block it,” Lee continued. “But thanks to the sequencing of the votes we just locked in, Republicans will have the opportunity resurrect that Obamacare amendment later on in the process, and put it back before the Senate in a manner that only requires a simple-majority vote.”
After cloture is reached on the Export-Import Bank amendment, senators will still be allowed to offer germane amendments to the highway bill, each of which would only require a simple-majority to pass. If the Chair rules that the Obamacare amendment is non-germane, Senate Rule 22 also allows any senator to appeal that ruling to the full Senate. At that point, a simple-majority of Senators would have the power to add the Obamacare repeal amendment to the highway bill.”
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Hmmmm...  You think Donald Trump is giving the GOP apoplexy?  Get together two freshmen senators who give squat about the hallowed procedures & protocols that typically hold sway on Capitol Hill, one of whom is running for president, both of whom were sent to D.C. to smash up the place, and you have one super-sized headaches that's considerably less manageable than The Donald!


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