Friday, January 15, 2016


Image result for multiple butterflies

Walk out of our computer studio & turn right & walk straight ahead.  Turn to your right & look at what is hanging on a cord on the wall - what looks like a small silver flashlight.  Mom - whose room is used to be - kept it close by, hanging from the post of her bed.  Smart woman - right within reach for those late night trips down the hall to the bathroom.

How telling is it that it wasn't until after Mom's death, sorting through & packing away her things, that I discovered what I thought was a flashlight was actually a tiny kaleidoscope.  So many lessons, on so many levels!

Image result for kaleidoscope

That itty bitty kaleidoscope is of special importance to me right now, having just discovered an unexpected fact of life.  For countless years, have thought of myself as a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.  For a shocking number of them, my inner butterfly had emerged from the cocoon - except one tiny part of its delicate body would not unlatch from its familiar but outlived environment.  Finally, over the past year, I let go.  At last - I feel myself flying!

What I didn't expect is the discovery that there's more than one caterpillar in us waiting to transform & take flight.  Turns out that a new caterpillar is spinning a cocoon, preparing to break down into that amazing ooze that will become a winged beauty.  We are born to be a veritable kaleidoscope of butterflies! 

Image result for kaleidoscope of butterflies

Some might find transforming a new issue defeating.  "I spent all this time transforming, went through all the ick & challenge & finally took off - and it has to happen all over again?"  Or they might find it uplifting - "You mean my inner ooze can transform into something spectacular?  Bring it on!"

February/March are my butterfly months.  How will it manifest itself?  What connection will it have with spreading the wings that have already emerged?  Will I have sifted from current cocoon spinning to early metamorphosis from earth-bound to ooze?  

Image result for butterfly wreath

Will be holding Mom's wee small kaleidoscope in my mind & heart.  Here's to my next months being as surprising as I was, discovering her little flashlight - like life - is so much more than I expected!

Image result for small kaleidoscope

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