Saturday, March 22, 2014


Woke up this a.m. to a most stunning AH HA! moment ~ life is an impossibly-sized jigsaw puzzle.  Intricate challenging absorbing beyond imagination. And we can't decide to jnot  play; we're plunked at the table with all the pieces & there's no walking away.  

I mean, there we were - all safe & snug in the womb, everything all of a piece.  Then - BAM! -  we were delivered into the wide wide world & suddenly our safe & snug lives fell into pieces.  Adding insult to injury, most of us won't even begin to see most of the pieces until we've quite a few years under our belt.  

It can be galling to see someone sit down and, in a remarkably short time,  apparently solve the whole thing, apparently having some inner eye that sees early on the outlines of each pieces, where they fit together into the big picture.  When the in-progress puzzle gets bumped about, as it inevitably is & pieces are displaced or even temporarily lost, they just set about locating them, dusting them off, and getting on with it.  

None of us work on the wrong puzzle, althogh sometimes the pieces can be unexpectedly edgy or it might appear like the picture is obscure or not coming together as we expect.  It is.  Trust & keep going. 

Might sound trite - life is a jigsaw puzzle - but, as the valedictorian at my sister's NYU graduation intoned decades ago:  trite is right.   A saying or thought gets slammed as trite because it's been invoked so many times because it is right.  Life IS a jigsaw puzzle.  And most of us can't begin to master it until we have gathered enough years & experience & - above all - perspective.  You can gripe about the challenge, the utter frustration when pieces just don't fit or you have a piece that just doesn't seem to belong, your inability to get the big picture, but there's no walking away from the table.  So, just settle down & learn to enjoy it.

Now, where does this piece go....?. 

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