Monday, March 10, 2014

Miracles all around me

In the face of often overwhelming despair, she was the kind of woman who would see the tiniest speck of hope & lead everyone towards it.* – Queenisms

That ALMOST describes me.  Except the part about being the kind of woman who can lead everyone towards an important goal.  That's never been me.  And that has to change.

I grew up a Cassandra, able to see what lay ahead yet unable to convince anyone about the danger.  And in spite of that happening time & again, it continued to happen time & again.  And that has to change.  

There is far more than the tiniest speck of hope on my horizon.  As soon as there's enough in my checking account, will sign up for Get To Know The Real You, an 08/01-03 Omega workshop focusing on what our brain chemistry, personality & body broadcast about us.  

For decades, I've known that mine are hopelessly messed up.  

This was brought home to me, big time, last month, at my 6-week appointment with my general practitioner.  (To check my blood pressure.)   I told him about VERY heavy blood flow one day last month; it was so heavy, at one point I contemplated the possibility I could be dead by the next day if it didn't subside (I had procrastinated signing up for the ACA).  

He looked stunned.  When had I started having blood discharge?  

Duh - like since before I first reconnected with him, following a minor car accident, in July 2013.  

I was just as dumbfounded as he was, since I'd taken care to mention it at every appointment.  He looked dazed when he saw the notations in his records.  It was clear he had no memory of what I'd said.

FACT:  that is not unusual, in my experience.  I can shout something crucial from the rooftops, but it seems no one - John included - hears it.  

What was it that kept my physician from processing in his head something that I was telling him, repeatedly?  It hit me ~  am cursed with an utterly messed up vocal affect.  My tone & demeanor are usually out of alignment with what I'm trying to convey, hence the words just don't process.  I shared VERY serious medical information with my primary care physician, but relayed it in a calm, casual manner.  He wrote down the words, but they didn't process.

It's no great mystery how I came to be so messed up, but that doesn't help me change.  What's in the past has no relevancy in this wretched situation.  HOW will I ever be able to rejigger the currently woeful culture around elder care if I can't even get my  doctor to realize I need to see an ob-gyn RIGHT NOW???  

Enter, Omega & a weekend workshop on gaining insights into who I am, what I need, and how to work with this knowledge to create a life that works for me.

Gives me goose bumps.  Last month, it hit me that my vocal affect is all messed up.  Last week, I wrote about starting something BIG.  Today, a catalogue arrives, a workshop* that can help me effectively align my tone & expression & body language plops into my lap.  Thank you, Universe - greatly appreciated!  (And please keep 'em coming!!)  

One more miracle to add to all the ones I keep seeing around me!

Please, O Great Spirit, let it guide me to become a woman who can find ways & means to uproot our stagnant culture around aging and lead everyone else to embrace & celebrate it!

What does your speech say about you? How about your face? Your movements? Your personality shines through everything you do, but how well do you really know yourself?
In this eclectic workshop, four world-renowned experts in personal development help you gain great insights into who you are, what you need, and most importantly, how to work with this knowledge to create a life that works for you.
Join Laura Germine, Jean Haner, David Bedrick, and Tony LeRoy on a journey to explore what your mind, body, and spiritual self say about your true being.
Over time, your personality and brain chemistry may shift, as do your body and intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Using everything from the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and genetics, to face reading and intuitive insights, to meditation and movement, you gain a better understanding of your past and current self, and learn how to positively impact your future self.
Through exercises, discussion, and guided self-reflection, you delve into all aspects of your life and connect with who you really are, inside and out.
- See more at:
* And slowly but surely we teach ourselves to recognize the speck of hope within us is really a strong, burning ember of power. ~ Queenisms 101 Jolts of Inspiration

What does your speech say about you? How about your face? Your movements? Your personality shines through everything you do, but how well do you really know yourself?
In this eclectic workshop, four world-renowned experts in personal development help you gain great insights into who you are, what you need, and most importantly, how to work with this knowledge to create a life that works for you.
Join Laura Germine, Jean Haner, David Bedrick, and Tony LeRoy on a journey to explore what your mind, body, and spiritual self say about your true being.
Over time, your personality and brain chemistry may shift, as do your body and intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Using everything from the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and genetics, to face reading and intuitive insights, to meditation and movement, you gain a better understanding of your past and current self, and learn how to positively impact your future self.
Through exercises, discussion, and guided self-reflection, you delve into all aspects of your life and connect with who you really are, inside and out.
- See more at:

What does your speech say about you? How about your face? Your movements? Your personality shines through everything you do, but how well do you really know yourself?
In this eclectic workshop, four world-renowned experts in personal development help you gain great insights into who you are, what you need, and most importantly, how to work with this knowledge to create a life that works for you.
Join Laura Germine, Jean Haner, David Bedrick, and Tony LeRoy on a journey to explore what your mind, body, and spiritual self say about your true being.
Over time, your personality and brain chemistry may shift, as do your body and intellectual and spiritual pursuits. Using everything from the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and genetics, to face reading and intuitive insights, to meditation and movement, you gain a better understanding of your past and current self, and learn how to positively impact your future self.
Through exercises, discussion, and guided self-reflection, you delve into all aspects of your life and connect with who you really are, inside and out.
- See more at:

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