Sunday, March 16, 2014


It was over 15 years ago that I discovered the powerful impact of proper breathing on emotional & physical health.  Discovered it, then disregarded what I'd found.

Gotta love second (third, fourth, fifth...) chances to live smarter!

Everyone can commit to a smarter life's path.  The one's who managed to get past the desired end are the ones who are willing to recommit however many times it takes to get to COMPLETED.

The fabulous thing with breathwork is that it is a lifelong activity.  The question is whether to breath to sustain life or to expand it.  

As teens, our lungs can hold up to 1.5 gallons of oxygen;  alas, we take in a very small fraction of that amount.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that every moment of every day is an opportunity to breathe smarter!

My mother exercised every day, almost up to her very last.  She took long walks in our hometown, then walks around our new neighborhood, which she shortened to walks up & down our street, then walks around the back yard, then walks around the kitchen island. In her final year or so, she was doing foot exercises in her big chair & standing in front of the sink - and a combination of breathing exercises.  She was more committed to breathwork than the gal who introduced her to them (aka me).  

Here I be, at 62, committing myself to making daily breathwork part of MY life from now to my last day.  It's easy, it's free & it's effective.  The greatest challenge isn't snapping my lungs or straining a blood vessel, but that I could get too emotional.

That was a big surprise to me - deep breathwork sometimes connected me to unexpected emotions.  Didn't have a clue that breathwork is an integral part of rebirthing, because it can help route out emotional plaque.  Sheez...

Think about all the new-fangled gizmos that extend human life.  And there's breathwork, as simple as simple can be, making human life more worth living.  Which of the two is more valuable?  

Stressed out?  Feeling sluggish?  Blah?  Just breathe.


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