Saturday, March 29, 2014

Needling myself

It gives me absolute goosebumps to look over my life, from my earliest days, and see how all the threads of everything that came before have woven themselves into my current tapestry.

Have been thinking, as I've written on this blog, that the threads have been like yarn or another fiber that knits together to form whole cloth.  Setting out to write a posting on elder care anarchy, came to see it differently.  The opening paragraph is more accurate - there's always been a foundational, unchanging fabric receiving the threads, not knit together by played out on an inherent welcoming surface.  

I have to confess to some disappointment.  Skeins of embroidery floss - however beautiful - don't have the same satisfaction as yarn, which offers a broad range of textures, too.  But just can't shake liking the imagery of a tapestry rather than simply whole cloth.  

And here's a challenge for me, as I become more expert - to make the back as beautiful as the front, rather than a mass of knots & loose threads.  

Pondering this new imagery - the picture changes, but the cloth remains the same.  Of course, as years go by & it's been worked & reworked into new tapestries, it will become more fragile, needing more delicate care.  

What does all of that mean?  Haven't a clue.  Could be gibberish - just what came out, totally unrelated to my intended topic, but flowing out on its own.  And I've learned to never discount such detours.  


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