Saturday, March 15, 2014

Feeling like DANCING!

Combine the perfect setting - the stunning reception room of a gorgeous cathedral - with an inspired idea & you have last night's dance for young adults at my local church!  Sounds like everyone had a splendid time.  Loud cheers for whoever came up with the idea, for all the folks who worked on it, for all who tripped the light fantastic!

Imagine if we expanded on the idea.  What a lovely tip of the hat to older role models & mentors it would be if younger adults put on an afternoon swing party for older friends who graduated in the late 1930s or '40s.  Perhaps it on in the community rooms at our local retirement village - one room for dancing & another for similar music, food & socializing.  Perhaps feature a  performance of waltzes and/or other specialty dances, a la Fred & Adele.  And they could arrange rides to & from for people who live elsewhere.  

Or imagine the college students sponsoring a sock hop for alums graduating in the late 1940s & the '50s!  Perhaps use Pendleton Hall Commons for the dancing, with refreshments & general hobnobbing upstairs.

Imagine expanding the brilliance idea of last night's event & drawing together a community through dance!! 

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