Monday, March 7, 2016

Different sort of Big Dig

Image result for excavation archaeology

It's an internal Big Dig, going into my deeper self to clear out the whatever that blocks my path forward.  

All my life, have been dogged with something that looks a lot like plain ol' laziness.  It's not.  But whatever it is was felt like it was knit into my very bones.  Never could figure out what it was - probably because it's so massively irrational in nature, it has no form, only darkness - but it was surely in there.  

Image result for darkness

It's been gone for a while, but it still has a hold on me.  Has a hold, because it's hard to figure out what's familiar & real & whole ~ and ~ what is familiar & the worst sort of fantasy & self-destructive.
Which is where Jane Kerschner comes in.  Jane is helping me identify & ditch the ancient empty baggage in my life, helping me move away boxes blocking my path & realize when obstacles I believe are blocking me aren't even there.  

Am getting the sense that what's blocking my way might not be all that far down.  That's fairly reasonable.  For years & years, have done a heap of work excavating & am seeing some of the benefits of that work.  Still...  The work being done now could not be done on my own.  Just couldn't.  No way I could deal with these remaining obstacles - real & not - solo.

This morning was our second session.  I go into each session with a cleared mind, letting whatever comes up, come.  After talking with Jane, things seem clearer, the space between my shoulder blades feels more relaxed, my breath flows easier, as do my constructive efforts. 
When I look at all the amazing things that happened in my life between our first coaching connect, two weeks ago, and now - am gobswoggled with amazement.  Looking forward to whatever the next two will bring! 

 Image result for ashleigh brilliant


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