Saturday, August 30, 2014

our current house divided

We see the dilemma of 1858 America playing out in today's political environment, with a nation divided almost evenly between varying degrees of progressive & conservative ideologies.  

Well, that needs to be conditioned.  Conservatives, as is their longtime tendency, focus more on unity - purity - of belief, on single-mindedness of understanding.  So unlike the various shades & degrees that keep progressives from a similar single mindset.  

We are further divided by degrees of incivility, intolerance, and a strident lack of compassion for the different other.  While it is the fashion to lay equal blame for today's contentious atmosphere at the feet of bother parties, that's simply a false equivalency.  

It's clear why so many ardent conservatives seem to denigrate facts & the quantifiable.  It's so much nicer for them to run with their feelings, with what they know in their gut rather than what actually happened.

Facts are pesky things which can bear out little ol' radical centrist moi laying  responsibility for today's incivil, "no negotiating, forget compromising" atmosphere at the feet of Republicans.  Just look at their nasty attacks on President Obama, from before his election to present day.  "Whoa, there," I can hear my GOP friends cautioning.  "Dems did the same with with George W. Bush."  But go back over the clips from the 2nd Bush administration - yes, liberals attacked President Bush, but through disbelieving ridicule & scathing jest, not with seething hatred & even virulence.  

We are today a house every bit as divided as it was when Lincoln ran for the presidency.  How will our nation resolve our current reality?  Because one thing remains unchanged from Jesus' time to ours - a house divided against itself still cannot stand.

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