Monday, August 4, 2014

carve out

Saying it AGAIN - the way for me to get done the things that shout to be done is to carve out blocks of dedicated time to work on them.  

Remember what one of the Omega workshop presenters suggested - imagine how I will feel the day AFTER getting parts of the house truly clean & lovely.  Imagine my feelings the day AFTER getting the first floor completed.  Imagine after the first AND second floors are beautiful & orderly & clean.  Imagine my feelings the day after I show off the welcoming basement to John, the day after the garage is cleared out & fun walkways for the cats have been set up.  Imagine my feelings the day after the master bedroom & bath are finally put to rights, the master closet is in apple pie order, the attic is reordered.  

It starts with fully imagining how it will feel the day after I successfully carve out a block of time & spend it efficiently getting a designated part of the house looking the way it deserves - orderly, attractive, welcoming.  Then, repeat.

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