Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Jeb sums it all up

 Image result for jeb bush and george w. bush

Seems that that Jeb Bush isn't much, if any, better that brother George at making oops statements.  W mangled the English language, but John Ellis Bush is already "misspeaking" his way into dicey areas.

First, he said Americans need to work longer hours.  Not make more, work longer.  What he meant was that more of us need to work full time, so we make more & qualify for benefits...  but that wasn't close to what he said.  But now he's waded into deeper waters, misspeaking his way into not only defunding Planned Parenthood, but cutting other federally-funded women's health services.  Youch!

Image result for jeb bush and george w. bush 

From the 08/04/15 New York Times, Jeb Bush Causes a Stir on Women's Health Issues

It was a casual aside from Jeb Bush, but it could haunt him throughout a campaign in which women’s votes — and issues — may prove pivotal.

During an interview on Tuesday with religious conservatives, Mr. Bush suggested that the federal government had overfunded women’s health.

“I’m not sure we need half a billion dollars for women’s health issues,” Mr. Bush said at a Southern Baptist Convention event in Nashville.

For perspective, the federal government spends about $1 trillion a year on health care.

Amid a storm of Democratic mockery, Mr. Bush backtracked within a few hours, saying he had misspoken.

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Women's Health Issues

Now, Gov. Bush is "not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues."  Any Democratic strategist would consider those words gifts from the political gods!  It's clear Jeb meant the funding currently going to Planned Parenthood, but it's soooooooooo not what he said.    

Two words - Hyde Amendment
A further comment made at the same event -  "Abortion should not funded by the government—any government in my mind." - makes it seem he's unaware of the Hyde Amendment that expressly forbids any federal dollars being spent on abortion services.  By any organization.  Anywhere in these United States.  There are exceptions, it's true - for incest, rape, if the life of the mother is endanger.  I don't know where Gov. Bush stands on allowing those extreme exceptions. 

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National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993
Leave us not forget the reason he gave (same event) for defunding Planned Parenthood... "It just troubles me that you would sell body parts. It just makes no sense to me. That is not a compassionate situation.  Congress has every right to investigate these abuses because [Planned Parenthood] receives $500 million dollars from the federal government.”  

First off, it's makes no sense to him to use fetal tissue, obtained through a legal abortion & with written approval, for scientific research?  Seriously?  As Sen. John McCain said, " My abhorrence for the practice of abortion is unquestionable. Yet my abhorrence” for Parkinson’s and juvenile diabetes “and the suffering they cause is just as strong.”  But to Jeb Bush, sentiments like John McCain's aren't representative of  "a compassionate situation." 

It's time for John Ellis to have a one-on-one with his older brother.  Perhaps W could explain to Jeb that the Congress approved use of fetal "body parts" for scientific research back in 1992 (Mitch McConnell, like John McCain, was one of 30 GOP senators voting YEA), that although he (W) narrowed funding for embryonic stem cell research, he (43) did NOT halt, did NOT even narrow funding for fetal tissue research, nor did he rescind approval for organizations like (but not limited to) Planned Parenthood to be reimbursed costs for the procurement & shipping of fetal tissue.  

Surrogate Issue
Jeb joins the growing chorus of voices chiming in to make it pretty darn clear the current push to defund Planned Parenthood - for purely emotional, not rational let alone legal, reasons - is a surrogate for overturning Roe v. Wade.  Can imagine Jeb just as easily, from the depths of his greatest beliefs as both a conservative & a Catholic, saying, "Abortion should not be legalized by the government—any government in my mind."  

So many people, so neatly summing up the depth of passion around the outcry to defund Planned Parenthood.

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UPDATE  08/05/15  5:00 p.m.  EST
It just gets worse & worse for Jeb with this women's health issues brouhaha he stirred up when misspoke.  Or maybe he didn't misspeak after all.  

According to the Jeb! website:
Gov. Jeb Bush issued the following statement regarding his comments on federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

“With regards to women’s health funding broadly, I misspoke, as there are countless community health centers, rural clinics, and other women’s health organizations that need to be fully funded. They provide critical services to all, but particularly low-income women who don’t have the access they need.

But he didn't stop while he was ahead.  Gov. Bush tweeted - "In line with my FL record – we absolutely must defund PP and redirect those funds to other women’s health orgs."
Yeah - if only!  Per The St. Petersburg Times (Jan 2003)... 
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida lost $124,000 last year from its family planning division. Bush diverted the funds to abstinence-only educational programs. 
Governor Bush - redirecting funds from Planned Parenthood to abstinence-only educational programs is so painfully NOT redirecting funds to the women's health organizations.  And I agree - community health centers & rural health clinics DO need to be fully funded because they do "provide critical services to all, but particularly low-income women who don't have the access they need."

So - why didn't you??

Image result for jeb george w

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