Sunday, August 2, 2015

How SHOULD they dispose of fetal tissue?

It's beginning to dawn on me that many of the folks who are up in arms over Planned Parenthood harvesting fetal tissue for scientific research somehow think that if they can defund the organization, they will stop it from performing abortions, which will bring a halt to America's #1 provider of abortion services, which will somehow miraculously overturn Roe v. Wade without having to bother waiting for an increasingly unreliable Supreme Court.  

At least, that's the way the pundits on air, the politicians on the stump, and even my friends at our local coffee house sound.  

Here is my question to them:  The fact is that abortion is currently legal in these United States.  How should abortion clinics & hospitals that perform abortions dispose of the remains?   I know that you don't want abortions done at all, but given that they are currently legal, I repeat - How would you have them dispose of the remains?

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Here is an article by someone with a personal stake in how we answer that question....

Fetal Tissue Gives Hope for One of the Worst Diseases  by Mark Joseph Stern for


For five years, I watched my best friend die of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a terrible disease that causes one’s muscles to waste away. First he struggled to walk, then to speak, then to breathe. One tube pushed air into his lungs; another pushed nutrients into his stomach. Toward the end, he could only move his eyes. ALS does not affect the brain; through it all, he remained perfectly aware of his slow-motion torture. After years of suffering, he died of respiratory failure, his body skeletal and ravaged, his mind alert to his suffocation until the last moments of life.

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There is currently no cure for ALS. There will be some day. And that cure may very well be derived from stem cells taken from aborted fetuses.

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I can’t help but remember that fact when I watch the videos, taken by undercover anti-abortion activists, of Planned Parenthood technicians discussing how to preserve fetal tissue to be donated for research. The graphic images of aborted fetuses are meant to disgust me, to convince me that abortion is a barbaric act of killing. But I don’t see death in these videos. I see hope.

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