Tuesday, August 4, 2015

An unexpected tack

Make that an unexpected, yet nimble bait & switch.  And a very slippery slope.

Yesterday, Marty Moss-Coane's Radio Times featured a discussion about Planned Parenthood.  It was startling to hear defund advocate Molly Hemingway say it doesn't matter if the  organization profits from fetal tissue donation - the reason for defunding is the basically the videos' ick factor.   

One person commented about the discussion, "Abortion is unconscionable, immoral & selfish.  Hitler would have loved to have lived in present times to have fetal tissue available for research.  The angle of the slippery slope just went up."  For this listener, the controversy around defunding Planned Parenthood seems to serve as a surrogate for abortion.  How many people feel the same? 

Now, I personally don't even believe in any contraception that could possibly destroy a fertilized egg.  But abortion is currently legal in these United States.  There are remains of an aborted baby.  Does Stericycle cart them off, or are they donated to scientific research?

And the ENTIRE outrage over the videos, the very reason for us watching them, was the charge that Planned Parenthood financially benefited from abortions performed in its clinics.  Now, they forces against the organizations have adjusted their sails & taken a different tack - it's not a question of anything illegal, but of something that is disgusting beyond description.  And it is.  It is beyond description - much like the idiom, "Laws are like sausaged - better not to see them made."  Because the process is nauseating gross disgusting.

They went after Planned Parenthood for something that is illegal - making money from fetal tissue.  Now, a different tack - okay, so they're not making money, but the videos are too gross to be okay.

Sen. Joni Ernst makes no mention of anything illegal when she cries -  “These videos are hard for anyone to defend and hit at the moral fabric of our society.  Planned Parenthood is harvesting the body parts of unborn babies.”

Notice, not a word about money.  It's shifted to the undeniable ick factor.  

This is called bait & switch.  Engage the eyeballs & hearts of the nation by calling out Planned Parenthood for making a purported profit off of human tragedy, then flip the accusation to it being immoral.  Now, that is a very slippery slope!   Because if the ick factor of harvesting body parts of unborn babies is grounds for defunding Planned Parenthood, it's certainly grounds for overturning Roe v. Wade.  

Now, that is a slippery slope!

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