Saturday, November 1, 2014

Unintended consequences - dreams fulfilled

In looking ahead to tomorrow's Velveteen Grammie posting, am reminded all over again of the glorious unintended consequence of the dream trip Mom & I took down too DisneyWorld in 1997.  Designed to fulfill two of her longtime ~ to see Charleston & EPCOT, it turned into more, much more.   

To keep us entertained over the long drive from Bryn Athyn to Orlando, I took a large selection of cassette tapes, including some of Mom's favorite musicians (especially Kenny Rogers, Willy Nelson) & some of my favorite inner work gurus (including Stephen Covey, Deprak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Christiane Northrup).  Big grin on my face, reading her 11/02/00 comment, remembering how we played them during the LONG drive between Williamsburg & Charleston - "We were tuckered out by the time we arrived at the King Charles Inn, but we were not bored."

When we set out on our great adventure, neither of us could have guessed that a whole new way of looking at life & relationships, expectations & personal dynamics would awaken in Mom during the long haul down.  

Unintended consequences - set out to realize two of Mom's & ended up having my own greatest dream come true.  Mom started to rediscover her own voice (lost after Dad's death), her own unique central core.      

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