Tuesday, November 18, 2014

simple facts & home truths

Interesting to realize we are a nation unfamiliar with how businesses act when they get a choke hold on consumers, born generations after teddy roosevelt raised the shackles of corporate giants when he busted up monopolies.  

Sadly, we are getting more & more familiar with some of the abuses that come from consumer power being in the hands of a relatively few entities.  

It took decades to wrestle the power away from the robber barons of the late 1800s (sorry to my friends who think that is an unwarranted term - they were), feels like we are handing it back at breakneck speed.  

From fracking to the tar sands, Keystone Pipeline or off shore drilling, the average American seems be letting what's best for big biz blind us to the simple fact & home truth that the only people they benefit are corporations.  For the rest of us, they spell disaster.

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