Sunday, November 9, 2014

drugs & french toast

Reading a young friend's posting about studying drugs into the wee small hours with her M.D. dad for a med school test tomorrow - and how she woke up this morning to the smell of her parents making french toast for breakfast - got me thinking about the necessary & the unnecessary & the importance of grasping healthy order.

Doing the necessary BEFORE the unnecessary might seem like a total no brainer, but my reality was growing up with the opposite modeled in family behaviors.  It's weirdly fun to be in my early sixties & really seeing that dynamic in full for the first time, seeing the challenge to reverse & right the problem as exciting, exhilarating.  Using a metaphysical crow bar to pry out ingrained downer habits & replacing them with good better best ones.

Am reminded of a dresser my young friend's parents restored back when they were youngsters, stripping it down & refinishing it for use in their first child's nursery.  What does it say that it's one of the most vivid moments I have of their long ago life at the end of the road, where Woodland meets Fettersmill?   What they were doing - the how, the why - mattered to me.  Just didn't know why.  

Dave & Bethany studied meds until the early hours of this morning. The french toast came later.  

New image in my mind to keep me getting things into healthy order - drugs & french toast.  Unexpected - like life!   

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