Friday, November 7, 2014

letting what comes up inform

INFORM - not incite.  Be a mega arrow pointing to what is or what has been, what calls for increase or elimination.  To reveal ways to begin, continue or stop letting its related energies conjoin with personal energies.  

Every situation - especially the ones dogging my life since what feels like forever - has something to reveal.  Feels like the ones that dog my path contain the most, have the greatest lessons waiting to be learned.  That THEY keep coming up, in the varied or pathetically the same guises, because I persist in experiencing them as triggers rather than awareness exercises.

Praise be, at this moment in time, am feeling like a high school student who's after struggling with comprehending a gnarly concept feels a whoosh of relief as it comes clear, becomes a tool to use rather than something to beat over the head. 

Been a long time coming, this AH HA! realization that everything, even the stinkiest, is given to us to inform & help.  A key reason I got twisted up high school readings & assignments was making all of it into something scary that it wasn't & missing the usually quite simple, straightforward lesson it was.  

Miss Wilde, "Aunt" Syl, Miss Morna, Mr. Brock, Mr. Sandstrom  -  just want you to know that it took almost 50 years, but got it.  What comes up, whether what you struggled to teach me at the Academy or the life lessons of the past half century, is meant to inform - oh, and inspire, instigate, activate, to be fuel that keeps burning until each task at hand is won & done.

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