Thursday, November 6, 2014

How deeply do I want whatever?

Actually, that statement isn't original to me, although it certainly resounds within.  It's a lift from Nancy Slonim Aronie, whose wondrous workshop circumstance made me miss last month.

And it goes to the heart of my present moment.

Accepting that what I deeply want is what I ultimately pursue.  Always.  If my life is less than uplifting awesome remarkable, it's because I deeply want something else.  

Because what we deeply want 
is what we pursue.  

What do I deeply want RIGHT NOW, in this current infinitesimal blip in cosmic reality?  I want to connect to my process.  The one that has been aching for DECADES to be recognized embraced actualized.  Or maybe it's best tagged with befriended.  Yes, I want to befriend it, to become buddies with my process.  It's always been there, ready willing & able to be a recognized part of my team, eager to step up to the plate & hit 'em (whatever 'em they might be) out of the ball park.

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