Sunday, November 9, 2014

Interesting ah ha

As I put more attention on what I'm actually putting my attention on, it's increasingly clear that I've habitually spent less time being in the present moment with whatever it presents & WAY more time with what I hoped it would, hope it will.  Spend a stunning short amount of time with what actually simply IS.  

Freaky to hear all the voices that can be going on, layered, during a typical moment of my being.  Massively & messily distracting.

At Friday's wonderful concert, found myself imagining what it would be like to JUST hear the music, not the music plus all the other stuff jamming my thoughts without even being aware.  Just hear what's being played, just hear what's being said, just experience what's happening when its happening, just think a thought, just type a blog posting WITHOUT any other thing horning in on my attention.  

Quirky - the more I put my attention on the present moment, the more I see how rarely I really & truly managed to do it all the way.  Some interesting AH HA! moments along the way.  Like realizing how much world events engulfs my thinking & how little getting the house vacuumed & the computer studio even registers.


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