Tuesday, November 11, 2014

power of writing a crowdfund request

After talking about it for a couple years, am putting together the FINAL draft of a crowdfund request asking for support underwriting my 2015 elder care anarchy efforts.  Wasn't procrastinating - now is the right time, for so many reasons.  

It's been a remarkable experience, one I highly recommend to anyone contemplating a major project.  Writing it probably will do more to advance my goal than any other response.  It helped galvanize the difference between what I want to do over the coming 12 months ~and~ what I am willing to give the time & energy & resources to do - a very big difference.  It made me think about dorky things that would normally never have made my radar, like costs of copyrighting older2elder, The Velveteen Grammie, Cyber Access for the Technically Timid.  

It turned something that felt sort of theoretical - a wish - into something tangible in my mind, something with edges & heft.

No one might respond to my request, yet it's primary use will have been served.  I know, better than ever before, what I am after.  Incredible power in that. 

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