Friday, November 21, 2014

A grand Friday!

In a few minutes, will be off to DeCharms Hall laden with over-sized chocolate chip cookies for my exams-taking Junior guys!  (Open season after 10 p.m. on anything still lingering,)  


Then, it's up to Fred's for breakfast.  We're picking up John's painting of the forever-missed, always-in-our-hearts Fred (seen above to the upper left of the window, now in the foyer), considered by many the best Bernese of all time (I know some others with their own candidates for that title).  Will be on display at the Bryn Athyn Craft Sale, with print & cards available - wheeeeee!

Then we swing by New York Photo to pick up the disk with "Posey Aviation" - the painting John did this year of John Posey's Steerman.  The original is for sale ($800) & we are delighted to have it available as a print.

All prints are matted & limited to one size of each - 8 x 10 (S20), 5 x 7 ($15), 4 x 6 ($10).  So excited to have what we envisioned last year actually happening in 2014!

Cookies are all packaged & boxed to go.  With a purchase of four (4) bags, you can pick a tin or basket or plate from my personal collection.  All shortbreads are $5 a bag, ranging from four cookies to seven.  

Dinner out with a grannie client, then it's onto great fun.  Sorry we have to miss tonight's organ dedication - will be epic.

A grand day out!!!

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