Tuesday, November 4, 2014

a bloody waste of time

To my English friends - pardon my language.  But letting my mind rest for ANY amount of time on negative things on which I can have no positive influence is the very definition of "bloody wast of time."

It should be noted I did not say it is a waste of time to let my mind rest on negatives.  I've known people who seemed to spend a lifetime doing just that, who thought that avoiding looking negatives full in the face, fully feeling them, was what good people are called to do.  They seem to send an AMAZING amount of time keeping negatives at bay, which only serves the purpose of keeping them busy with negatives instead of seeing the use of those very negatives (try starting a battery with all positive charges), pairing them with purpose, then moving on.

My guess is that the majority of my time is spent either not thinking about much of anything or broadly/keenly focusing on negative gunk.  

There is a beautiful world all around me.  There is a beautiful world inside me!  Our Creator put us here to have an exhilarating experience, to rejoice in every blessed (literally) moment.  

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."  

Imagining a life where I am open to that happening every moment.  Imagining a life where I work according to the Designer's instructions.  About bloody time! 

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