Monday, December 21, 2015

Who'd believe it?

It's probable that EVERYONE in my little hometown would laugh right in your face - and they are very well-mannered folk! - if you said, "Deev is seriously challenged at making emotional connections."  

They'd find that a hilarious claim - Deev, connector of the universe?  

Yes, that very same Deev.  Me.  Praise be, the problem is one of nurture rather than nature. Now that I'm aware of it, am setting out to do something to bring things to a better place.  

It hit me this past week, as day after day rolled by & the only mail we received were advertisements & letters about signing up for this or that.  Four days straight - not a single personal note, letter or card.  It didn't make me sad - it woke me up.

There's a reason that I flub making emotional connections.  Was foreign to me in my growing up years & beyond.  Am immensely grateful for the precious few people with whom I have a priceless emotional connection.  But I feel definitely challenged.

Maybe it is my lot in life to make a zillion light-hearted connections & a precious few emotional ones.  But I still want to understand more about what emotional connections.  Hence the delving & digging.  

At the outset, I suspect that my definition of emotional connection might be different from what is being discussed online.  For me, emotional connections aren't limited to loving.  It feels that LIKING is an even more important emotional connection.  It's not the love I feel for John that helps me learn how to be less of a drag on our relationship & more of an asset - it's our friendship.  Friendship seems to be way more emotionally connecting than love alone.  While emotional connection could end in being BFFs & all that, my guess is that's the exception.  But it should definitely put you & them on the Christmas card radar!  

Looking ahead, it's my guess that there are lots of things I can do that aren't getting done that will help me nurture a greater sense of emotional connection with people I care about.  Fewer pleasant acquaintances, more actual friends.  Trusting myself enough to do more, be more.  Or maybe it will turn out to mean something totally different, even unexpected.  

Only the rarest close friend & none of my pleasant acquaintances would believe I'm being challenged at emotional connection.  And it's possible I'll find out that I'm not.  But the digging & delving & discovering promises to be a lot of fun!

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