Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Spooky wonderful - Edie Weinstein

Image result for monarch butterfly stages

No other description - spooky wonderful how, over the past few days, kindred spirit & soul sister Edie Weinstein keeps expressing the very AH HA!s emerging from the depths of my own heart. 

Reeled early this a.m. with the startling discovery of a great personal loss, followed by a flash of fresh disconnection with people who matter deeply to me.  As I struggled to regain my sense of center, a FB posting by Edie transformed the moment.

Image result for edie weinstein

My dear friend talked about garnering lessons from everything that happens to us,  "lessons about assertiveness and accountability for my choices."  Amen!  
For all of my life, fitting into my birth family required becoming an "emotional contortionist," an image & term that speaks volumes.  How wonderful to read it this morning. (And to wonder if all of my sibs felt that way!)

Each moment is the just-right time for me to whisper a heart's request to others - departed & still with us - to "let go of the tether" on their end that keeps me bound to old stories about them & about me & about our relationships.  

My NOW reality is embracing a new sense of relationship with myself, outside of a sense of the old.  Just yesterday, I wrote, "Oft times, things don't turn out as we hope, but there is solace in at least seeing what is.  Then, there's hope of unsticking & moving forward."

Image result for monarch butterflies emerging from cocoon

Edie - thanks.  We seem to be in parallel places in this here & now. Ask & it shall be given.  Here I am, seeking greater awareness & appreciation of emotional connection; lo & behold, a reminder of a super special one shows up on my FB wall.  

Spooky wonderful!

Image result for monarch butterflies flying 

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