Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ted & Bill's excellent adventures - Mim memory

It was Mim who gave the best piece of advice before I headed down to Washington, D.C. on my senior class trip.  "If you see a famous person in a room, position yourself as near the doorway as possible.  As he is leaving, he will naturally see you & is more likely to shake your hand than if you're standing in some line."  

That was how I came to meet Teddy Kennedy (a thrill, in spite of my being a staunch Republican).  Saw him milling around with a group, took up a strategic  position in the wide doorway, was rewarded with a direct beam of that famous Kennedy smile, a handshake & quick, "Good to see ya."

Image result for ted kennedy

I was still in high school - 1969? - when  Mim & I went to hear Bill Buckley speak at Beaver (now Arcadia) College, not far from Bryn Athyn .  After his talk, it was our mission to meet him.  We shadowed him from a distance, first going this way, then that.  Which exit was he taking??  

Mim finally threw in the towel, saying, "Forget it - not going to happen," and we headed for the exit that most people were using, metal stairs going down the outside  of the building.  

Image result for bill buckley

As I headed down the steps, keeping an eye on my feet because of utter terror of heights (even just two floors), realized there was a pair of very expensive men's shoes behind me.  Back then, Beaver was a women's college.

Hmmmmm....   What would Mim do with such an opportunity, I wondered to myself.

At the bottom step, just as I reached terra firma, I - oops - ever so slightly stumbled.  And what is a gentleman to do but take my arm to steady me?

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Buckley," I fluttered, "My parent gave me The Jeweler's Eye for Christmas."  

Will always remember the flash of his equally famous smile & pitch perfect reply - "Discerning parents."

Image result for the jeweler's eye buckley

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