Sunday, June 28, 2015

I fall to pieces

What is going on?  I write what is hopefully the practically final draft of a crucial, long-delayed "crowdfund" request  - and my life seems to fall to pieces.
  • Mim's very serious hospitalization; 
  • Gunny massively overheating because a distracted moi left the engine running when I parked; 

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  • Not being able to figure out why I can't connect to Facebook (can't easily connect to family & friends with Mim updates); 
  • Challenges to notifying my brother in Australia; 
  • Worrying about Mim;  An exhausting drive to & from her hospital in NJ - Peter lives about an hour in the opposite direction and we headed home at rush hour;  
  • Canceling dinner with a grannie client - at least I realized early on there was no way we'd be back in time, but it was a disappointment & a financial ding; 
  • Canceling a fun event I'd planned for last night at a local senior residence (smart, but again - disappointing); 
  • Forgetting to call Mim last night.  
It felt like one thing after another - all since Tuesday.  

Now, fresh calamity has struck - another car conked out on me!  At least, this time it wasn't (I don't think) my fault.

Image result for white cadillac 1999

John kindly & generously took a grannie client out to dinner on my behalf last night, leaving me collapsed on the couch.  He swung by later so I could join them on a sunset ramble & dessert.  My older friend LOVES rambles, even in the light rain, especially ending up at Ben & Irv's for ice cream & some friendly banter with the great staff.

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We got home around 10:00 p.m., with me behind the wheel.  As I parked the car, on loan from friends, the engine shut off & I took the key out, but a soft whirling sound came from under the hood.  It had happened once or twice with me; John mentioned it had happened when he'd parked at Ben & Irv's.  When it happened before, the sound stopped in a few moments.  Not this time.

As I sat writing several older2elder & DreamReweaver posts in the computer studio, the sound of the soft whirl could be heard over the pitter patter of rain.  By then, it was too late to call our friends & ask if they knew what was up (although, in hindsight, it might have been wise, even if we woke them from a sound sleep - but no one wants to bring on the heart-clenching fear of getting a late-night call).  Around 11:30 p.m., John went out to check & sure enough - the engine wouldn't turn over.  But the whirling sound still persisted.  

This morning, I went downstairs to get my cell phone, where I have the grannie client's daughter's cell phone # - and it was dead as a door nail, in spite of having been fully recharged yesterday.  Will have to wait until 9:00 a.m. to let her know I won't be able to take her mom to church.  Then, I have to call my friends about their car.  Not the Sunday I envisioned.   

After three years of talking about it, I finally write a crowdfund draft that feels right, feels like it will help get me on track helping revitalize, reinvent our nation's culture around the aged & elderly.  And everything falls to pieces.  What is going on here??

Image result for i fall to pieces

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