Saturday, July 19, 2014

low investment, big return

Learned decades ago - at Jimmy John's Restaurant, just south of West Chester - the astonishing return on the investment of 25 cents.  

I don't know the current cost to make the railroad diorama in the center of the main room charge up all its wonders, but back in the day it was a quarter.  Mom & Mim & I loved to sit in one of the booths near it, keeping an eye out for the wistful child longing to see the miniature railroad cars go whizzing along the tracks.  Once spotted, Mim or I would get up, go over & put a quarter in the slot, then return to the others to watch the show.  So many happy faces, for so little investment!

Last night, at the swim club, at the very tag end of the night, as everyone was out of the pool & we were packing up to head home, I was aware of two older girls - 7th or 8th grade - sort of hovering nearby.

"Can I help you, ladies?" I asked.

"Oh, no," they shyly responded, "We were just looking at the cupcakes."

"Would you like one?"

"Oh, no - we don't have any money."

All of a sudden, I was back at Jimmy John's & the two young ladies in front of me were a couple of four-year olds peering longingly at what they could not get for themselves.  

Two mini cupcakes - a vanilla with chocolate frosting & a chocolate with vanilla frosting - later, two very satisfied girls headed out the swim club gate for home & one very happy Cupcake Lady packed up the car, amazed again at the big return that can come from making an itty bitty investment.  Jimmy John would have approved! 

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