Thursday, June 23, 2016

AH HAs, not OMGs

originally posted on older2elder...

What I find so engaging with DARING GREATLY is my sense that each person reading it is having a distinctly different experience than every other reader. 

What Brene writes takes me back to my own experiences, my sense of other family members' possible experiences - and knowing that all memories are "best possible" approximations of what really happened.

One of my dearest wishes is that DARING  GREATLY had been written when Mom was still with us.  It might not have explained a lot, but it would certainly been a springboard to A LOT of interesting discussions.

Image result for it's time

It seems to me that oldsters, the elderly & ancients could be especially affected by Brene's book because they have sufficient span of years to give them a wide view of their life landscape & hopefully the ability to even step back a pace or two from events, allowing them to see a bigger picture.  Brene offers so many triggers to connect with our own histories, with interest but not not necessarily judgement.  At least, that's what happened as I read Brene. 

A series of surprising AH HAs, rather than incapacitating OMGs.

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