Saturday, April 23, 2016


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The Universe gave me a great & fabulous present yesterday, delivered as I dug into Be Well's awesome Eggsparagus.  Was talking with a friend - around my age, someone whose opinion I value - about a pet project that evolves from connecting seniors with their here & now values to composing a vision statement to connecting them with their present-day dreams.  

As I finished, my friend looked at me with perplexed disbelief - "But, Deev, when you are old, what you dream about are your days of youth, your days gone by.  That's their dreams." 

What a gift!  Two sentences summing up the woeful attitude about & expectation of aging that needs to be scuttled so our fresh, invigorating anticipation & experience of growing older can be rebooted.

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FYI - the getting-up-there & flat-out elderly aren't the only ones that need to reinvigorate their relationship with dreams.  We ALL do, from youngsters to adults, middle age to young old, elderly to ancient.  

My belief is that dreaming is meant to be as natural as breathing.  sigh...  All too often, seems it's left behind, somewhere in our twenties.  Life settles in & we seem to settle, to.  In too many ways.

My best friends in the universe are lifelong dreamers.  They embody George Bernard Shaw's, "You see things; you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'"  Not Dave & Candy - they say something closer to, "WOW! Let's go for it!!!"

For over forty years, I've aspired to be like them, to be a dream weaver.  My spirit feels downright tickled to realize that being a dream weaver is what my life has always been about - look at the title of this blog!  But I slipped into a weird but apparently all-too-standard human quirk - am gung ho to help others connect with & realize their dreams; haven't been so diligent about my own.

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Those days are gone, baby, gone - am gettin' down with my dream boogie!  

Armed with Live Happy's story about Mary Miller & the dream work magic she brought to her family's janitorial service, with Matthew Kelly's The Dream Manager (which builds on the Millers' inspiration) & all things SARK, am ready to become the master dream weaver that's been my forever destiny.

Wanted:  DREAM WEAVERS.  Care to apply?

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100% SARK!

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