Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Grow bold along with me..

Image result for feeling free

Parents, sibs, family, friends, besties, co-workers, compadres, pleasant acquaintances, great & small loves, love of your life - turns out that the secret of having a rewarding, enriching, soul-satisfying relationship with each & every one of those is to bring your best to it - bring it, give it, accept it.  Let it be. 

My challenge has been allowing myself to be bold enough to believe that's enough. Since I first opened my eyes on the world, long before I knew about words or how to combine thought & sound into language, I was storing away in my mind & heart images of how life is meant to be.  I held onto ancient images & assumptions - that  I am supposed to feel a particular way or inspire this sort of response or that sort of reaction.  

No longer.  I bid them farewell, let 'em go.  

Will simply see whatever relationships present themselves & 'em be just fine, knowing I bring my best, whatever it happens to be in that moment.  

Image result for baby wonder

That might sound like heresy, but it is just God's honest truth.  And somewhere, deep down, I've always known it.  I will be me, others will be themselves & life will be grand.  Won't always be easy, but always always always grand.

If I could get that across to my older friends, my future would be secure.  I'd be sought after by people to brighten, lighten & expand their here & now experience.  HEY!  That IS what I do!!  Just have to do it to my best, let the Universe take care of the rest.

Grow bold along with me - the best is yet to be!

Image result for feeling free

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