Wednesday, October 15, 2014

inconceivable incredible unbelievable unimaginable

Oh, the power of those four words.  

I've spent a lifetime bashing into situations that others were simply unable to process.  It's easier to disbelieve what's smack dab in front of them than to find a way to grasp what feels inherently unimaginable, even when it's utterly  real.

Growing up in a family that defied rational understanding, being able to see & accept as viable what was literally inconceivable to others, is my norm. 

It never mattered how clearly I could lay things out, didn't do any good if folks couldn't imagine conceive credit believe reality. 

There is no getting people to understand something if they're unable to process basic information.  

Difference between my life today & even last year, even this past summer, is I don't expect it to change.  I don't expect people to suddenly be able to process the inconceivable incredible unbelievable unimaginable.  

Now, what they can & can't do isn't doesn't enslave me any more.  Because that is what it did, for most of my life.  I felt wrapped up, bound to finding a rational response to things totally outside my own world.  Oh, I will always be intrigued.  My family IS magnificently intriguing, well worth a long, in-depth look.  But from a distance - engaged, not enthralled.  Night & day difference.

Being able to experience what's inconceivable incredible unbelievable unimaginable to most people has made me an equal opportunity bee in a bonnet, a goad, a burr under the saddle.  Because I CAN conceive credit believe imagine the absurd & ludicrous.  Once a curse, now a... not sure what.  Ask me in a few years!

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