Sunday, March 8, 2015

too often, money bars the way

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It feels like I've made all the progress possible by reading books & watching videos & listening to audios.  While I am proud of the strides made over the past 25 years, right now I need - and am getting - actual professional counseling.  Not much, but some.    

That got me wondering - what happens to people who come to the end of what they can accomplish on their own, but lack the $$ to seek professional counseling?  

Praise be, I've never hesitated to ask for help, when needed - what about those who can't, who won't?

I have friends who are counselors & would gladly give me their time, IF...  For lots of excellent reasons, they have to charge a hefty hourly rate (discounted since I am in need).  Thank goodness, I can afford one session each month with Kim.  It makes a huge difference.  What about those who can't even afford that? 

I have friends who are part of a strong support circle.  They get the best sort of counseling.  What about those who don't have the sort of folks who have their back AND give sound counsel?

I have friends who have plenty of money & who do seek help.  Some use what they discover, some move onto new counselors because they can afford to pay big bucks & blow off what they learn.  

Chalk me up as blessed.  I had the most expensive counselors imaginable.  Ram Dass, Caroline Myss, Barbara Sher, David Richo, Mary Pipher, Gene Cohen, Jean Houston, Nancy Sloane Aronie, Stephen Covey, Marianne Williamson, John Bradshaw...  The list goes on & on & on.  All the authors I tapped into, all the audio tapes played, all the videos watched.  What about the people who don't have the time or finances or access to books audio tapes videos? (A lot of the books that made a difference are available through the library, BUT only on e-books or downloads.)

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That's behind my heart & soul commitment to make all I offer as an elder care solutionist accessible to those with nothing as well as those who can afford my hourly rate + expenses.  I aim to get to the point where I can offer services on a strictly a free will offering basis, with $0 perfectly okay.  Because if someone like me - who fearlessly seeks underwriting - can pnly afford the barest minimum coaching & counseling, imagine how it is for most people who aren't so bold & brassy?

Of course, always before me is the reality that Mom would never have been able to afford even a smidgen of my time.  

I don't know HOW it will work out that I'll make a substantial income & still offer all I know to whoever needs it - but I know it will.  

We live in a generous Universe that endlessly provides opportunities & blessings.  I believe that everyone - every oldster & ancient, their families & friends - deserve access to any information that can help the aging & elderly live as expansively as possible.  And let's face it - just not in me to say, "I can help change your life, if..."

Image result for rainbow holding hands

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