Thursday, May 5, 2016

a new relationship with time

Image result for marney k makridakis

My guess is it will always give me deep chills when the Universe puts the just-right message in my path at a just-right moment.  

In the wee small hours of this morning, John & I had a serious falling apart over what felt like a genuinely important issue.  Went off to have lunch with an older friend - solo, at my request, rather than in the usual tandem, with my Keet.  It wasn't that I needed some time alone - I wanted to be as far away from him as possible;  if flying to the moon had been an option, would have done that. 

Got to the car, settled in, revved it up & just before backing out, turned on the radio to hear coming over the airwaves Marty Moss Coane's Radio Times.  Marty, with her guest, Daniel Shapiro, author of the new book, Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts.  

"Seriously?  I'm bent out of shape over something that feels fundamental, turn on the radio, and there is the just-right person talking with the just-right interviewer about the just-right topic for me to listen to on the 20 minute drive?"  Get outta here!"
Oh, the massively insightful things he shared as I drove down Buck Road, as I crept past Pine Run Elementary School, dipped DOWN Pine to Philmont, nipped past the Wawa, over the Pennypack Trail, turned into Rydal Park.  The only thing that freed me to go into meet my friend was knowing I'll listen to the entire interview tonight with John.  (Lovin' the Internet!) 

This happens to me all the time - for which I am profoundly greatly to All That Is.  They might look like happenstance, mere coincidence, but in my experience it goes way past coincidence, serendipity.  I am most grateful for the guidance & hope more of the same keeps pouring into my appreciative way!

Which leads me to Creative Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock & Reclaim Your Life. , a book by Marney K. Makridakis, a treasure discovered only because it was one of those "customers who bought this item also bought" selections.  It wasn't simply the book that was the just-right read to drop into my life at this just-right moment - - got the author, too!  (Like finding the just-right guy, then discovering he has a way-cool Mom, too!)

Image result for marney k makridakis

It struck me this afternoon, at page 14, that a MASSIVE current challenge being faced at 64 years old is changing my use of time.  Not better time management or organizational skills, but a whole - and I do stress the word, whole - new relationship.  What I'm getting from the book - so far - is to approach time like someone I was vaguely aware of back in my younger years, but never took the opportunity to really know; someone, it turns out, seems to be right up my alley.  

How spiff to finally connect & become friends!  

That's me with Time.  Am getting to recognize its characteristics & qualities, to see how we were destined to become pals, after all these years - or, maybe, because of them! 

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It's happy-strange to experience what Marney writes about time.  My inner clocks seem to be working double-time compared to any other epoch in my previous life.  So many books being read, so many minutes being used for delightful & over surprising purposes, so much getting DONE.  
And now I have the delight of getting to know Marney, a woman after my own wild heart.  Come on - she pegs herself a  Jill of All Trades, Master of FUN. Do ya think she embodies the essence of play?  Exquisitely!

Thank you, Universe, for more unexpected awakenings & expanded life mentors.  My life is filled with heel-clicking, toe-tapping, dance-a-dance-of-joy energies & the hustle to make THINGS happen.  It starts with awareness, moves next to dreams, onto intention & action spiked with hustle, ends with new realities.  And a key component, a gotta-do before being able to truly make it so, is to develop a new, friendly partnership relationship with Time.  

All goosie pimply, wondering, "What's next?!" and "Bring it on!"  Oh, and always & forever - THANKS!

 Image result for hustle sold separately


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