Sunday, May 24, 2015

Epictetus nails it

Ah, sweet serendipity!  No accident I stumbled across a long-dormant blog & this ancient post from 11/12/11, which rings as true today as it did going on four years ago.  Did I have an inkling that my vocation & avocation was actually one & the same?  Wouldn't be surprised.  Hoping the person who wrote it would be pleased with the one who reposts!

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“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.”

So true. A character in the film, Serendipity, used that quote to explain why calling the leading man a jackass was meant as a compliment ~ awe that someone would be willing to risk being thought foolish attempting to realize a dream.


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Fact ~ the older I get, the more willing I am to be considered a jackass.

Consider another spot-on quote from Epictetus ~ "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”


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In my case, that translates into reaching out for help. Sure, I know there were people who were confused, even bothered by my 2011 State of the Human letter/energy boost request. Can't imagine what they'd think about my seeking help from mere acquaintances & utter strangers in underwriting the next year, helping me out so I can help out the Church & Academy. No one, I've been told, sets about asking for money like that - flat out & up front. Well, I do because it's the only option I have. And I know that 99.9% of people asked won't be able or interested in helping out. All I can say is that for those few (if any) that can & want to, it's not a tax-deductible investment, but it could easily be invaluable.

See, if I am going to set about helping forge connections - natural, simple, low- to no-cost - between the organizations and flesh & blood people, I need to raise money to cover my current mundane expenses - especially 2010 & 2011 school tax bills - that threaten to leave me mute & motionless. Wouldn't the powers ranged against the church & school delight in that!

Yes, it sounds pretty cocky to say, "The powers of darkness would surely count THAT as a major victory!!"  Well, it's just the plain, unvarnished truth.

The fact of the matter is that I never learned effective - aka diplomatic - conventional communication styles. In fact, it took me decades to realize that my family's incongruent way of speaking & sharing ideas was NOT the norm, and even more decades working to improve. Have come far, but I'll always be at least a tad off kilter. And I've learned to make that a good thing.

My communication style may seem offbeat to some - okay, to many - but it's my style. And it's a large reason why it would NEVER work to be a GC or ANC employee - my outspoken ways would ruffle someone's feathers. Much better to make a success of Cyber Access for the Technically Timid so that the monies made from my worthy vocation can, year after year, help underwrite my calling.

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” 

I know, deep within me, that I'm the right person in the right place to help the organizations to which I own my love & loyalty.  So, I will screw my courage to the sticking place, reaching out to potential cheerleaders, supporters, even underwriters. I will do what I have to do, however much a jackass I might seem.


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