Monday, June 5, 2017

Reiner & Brooks set up their longevity

Tonight, Carl Reiner debuts his HBO special, If You're Not In The Obits, Eat Breakfast.  Together with his LONG time side kick & fellow maker of mayhem, Mel Brooks, he created the 2000 Year Old Man. Both men seem to be taking their comedy to heart, creative productive hilarious in their 90s.  And why not - every day. they do the max they can within those given hours.  They keep going because they get off their asses!

Carl Reiner says what's been eating at me over the past week - You have to have a reason to get up."  Our beloved, much missed friend, Anne Hyatt, comes to mind, as does her awesome sons & daughters - she was always looking for the next thing to do, they were always focused on making it possible for her to stay active, to get up & moving.  She didn't dilly dally around, not even when it came to dying - she fell on one day, declined on the next & on the 3rd, after the family had gathered from points north & south, made her exit.  All this with dementia that left her unable to remember from minute to minute the day or date, yet always ready for the next moment of joy.  She would have been a great addition to Carl & Mel's weekly movie nights! 

And I can imagine her charming Dick Van Dyke (91), mirroring in word & deed his byword - "Keep moving!" - advice I'm sure Kirk Douglas (100) would agree with 100%!

Our genetic disposition toward long life is determined by our parents plus the lifestyle habits developed over the years, but THE thing that makes our lives worth the living is having interests.  That is where the Hyatts stood out head & shoulders above 99% of even the most parent-lovin' kids - - they made sure their Mom had something grabbing her attention & heart.  Painting, listening to live music, checking out the local jazz scene, basking in sunset drives or up river rambles, going out to restaurant with slavishly devote'd staff, or dining in with friends at her senior residence - - her table was famed as THE place to party, with 6 & 7 people frequently ringed around her table for four!

Anne, Carl, Mel & Dick - soul mates.  None of them might not hit year 2000 (don't bet against such longevity - they did it before), but they did & do showcase what can be DONE when oldsters elders ancients keep their interests perking, get off their asses & get moving!

After 90, people don't retire
they inspire!

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