Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Danny Iny changed my life

Danny Iny's brilliant collaborative masterpiece ~ Engagement From Scratch! ~ set things I've held dear to my heart flat on their ears!  Reading all those spectacularly creative voices sharing their "wish I'd known THIS when I started building an online community" wisdom ~ the sort of generous sharing that has me loving the massively friendly, speak-my-language folks I've tagged up with through Danny. And wondering, from an unexpected, fresh perspective - what do I want my online presence to shout out to the world?

This afternoon, my brain cells suddenly broke out into a dance & reconfigured themselves into something at once unrecognizable - and - yet oh so right!  The bittersweet realization dawned that "older2elder," like Cyber Access for the Technically Timid (CATT), is fine for an aspect of what I do, BUT the deepest, all-encompassing core theme of my true north purpose remained elusive.

There I was, in the middle of the afternoon & 2/3 through the book, seeing a term I've cherished for years shift from being my catch-all concept to simply an essential component of a mystery greater whole.

Right there & then, I started playing with different ideas, splashing them across the pages in a playful rainbow of colors, playfully switching between the hues, seeing how joyfully they played against each other.  

What oh what over-arching theme reveals 
the power play 
behind my true heart's desire?  

And slowly surely certainly it became clear - my absolute is-now, always-was life manifesto is to bring a bodacious a sense of PLAY to as many people as I can in this & any other lifetimes!  

Yes, I am a grannie listener, a life enthusiast, a general instigator, CATT -and- Cupcake Lady, creativity cheerleader, heart's desire drumbeater.  But - thanks to Danny & his fabulous friends - my jiving swinging moon-walking brain cells waltzed me to the aha that, above all, I am a playfulness coach, doing everything I can to bring smiles of every sort & size to all ages, all stages.  Always have, always will.

Psssst ... Wanna learn how to play Intergeneration Hopscotch?  Stick around, I'll show you how... and you can add a few special hops, skips & jumps of your own!

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