Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Coolest dream ever?

Possibly! Very possibly!

Almost every time I've dreamt, the gist of it slips away between opening my eyes & swinging out of bed.  Not this one.

It was impossible to sleep last night.  Well, not exactly true.  Twice, I'd fallen off & both times John woke me up getting out of bed, which is unusual as I typically could sleep through a massive storm paired with an earthquake.  Not this a.m. - eyes wide open.  Wasn't stressed or tense or over caffeinated.  Just AWAKE.  Gave in at 4:00 a.m., went downstairs & made myself useful.  Did some cleaning then made cupcakes for the Boys School Juniors (will deliver tomorrow) & my BACNC sweet ums (will pair with mini eclairs for the college, baking g-f choc chip cookies for the Theologs).  Finally headed back upstairs close to 8:00ish.

Which was when I had THE DREAM.

It was set present day, except John wasn't in it or mentioned.  Alan King requested a business meeting with me, which I found strange, even in the dream.  I asked the person relaying the message if he was sure Alan had said ME - yes, he definitely wanted to take a meeting with me.  

So, we met, both crisply businesslike but friendly.  He explained that the Junge family wanted me to be part of a weekend retreat they were having at a snappy hotel in New York City.  Again, I was pretty sure he had me confused with someone else.  No, he assured me - the family was hoping I could be part of their retreat.  I went.

What a blast!  ALL of the Jim Junge family was there - which, if you know the Junges, is pretty darn many - from newborns to Jim, who's tipped 90.  Events were planned for all ages, from itty bitties to ancients.  All focused around dream building - what is your dream? how can we, individually & as a group, help you catch it?  It was clear from everyone I met, especially the youngest, that I'd been included because they experienced my energies as supporting the weekend's mission.  

Everywhere I turned, there was a smiling face, happy to see me, happy that I was at that place, at that moment.  The hotel staff seemed blissed out - they'd played host to this annual gathering many times before & loved the experience, loved how it affected the staff for weeks afterwards.

There I was, feeling zowied over the sense of it all.  And I got what they meant about wanting me there.  I wasn't part of the family, but understood & shared a passion for collaborative dream building, whether a small project conjured up by an 8-year old or a massive building project blueprinted by the patriarch.  Different degrees, but common ZOW!  

It was a total fiction.  Yes, the Junges are a large, close-knit clan, but no business NYC retreats (that I know of), no cross-generation dream building/support sessions & shares in a snappy Manhattan hotel.  

A total fiction, but in my heart...  In my heart, it will always BE.  The sense of that place, that moment, those energies, from toddlers to a close-to-centarian, all focused on, "What's your dream?  How can I help make it real?"  Those energies, goals, best next steps are part & parcel with all I am. 

Coolest dream ever?  Very possible!

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